Co Branded SME Card
“Uttaron” – NRB – Aurora Co-branded structured Special SME loan Product for the urban & rural clusters which is a key potential growing sector of Bangladesh.
“Uttaron” – NRB – Aurora Co-branded structured Special SME loan Product for the urban & rural clusters which is a key potential growing sector of Bangladesh.
Following training modules have been prepared to conduct training programs:
SME promotion and business planning
Marketing extension and marketing strategy
Dolutpat sollicitudin ante ac hendrerit. Proin tellus mi, eleifend non venenatis sit amet, ullamcorper at ligula. Nunc molestie dolor nec magna fermentum in pharetra orci mollis.
Duis volutpat sollicitudin ante ac hendrerit. Proin tellus mi, eleifend non venenatis sit amet, ullamcorper at ligula. Nunc molestie dolor nec magna fermentum in pharetra orci mollis.